Thursday, June 16, 2016

What Trump really says after Orlando

    Tyler Prendergast wrote an article about Trump’s response to the Orlando shooting and how it links to the likely presidential race between Clinton and Trump. So, this post can obviously be directed towards Trump and Clinton supporters and presidential election followers in general. There is some comedic, informal writing; on the other hand, the poster cites the manuscript of Trump’s Orlando response—pleading us to read the words alone. This gets to the main point of the post: Trump is bad for the country and certain voters need to step up and oppose Trump.

    As I said, the post has ‘blog’ aspects, like Prendergast making fun of Trump: “the hair, the ‘tiny hands,’, the stock character mannerisms we love mocking so much”. By citing and recommending you read Trump’s manuscript from TIME magazine, the poster gives us key evidence for his post’s claims. Evidence of Trump reigniting the ‘muslim ban’ debate and how it will improve the country and prevent violent tragedies like Orlando. The main claim and purpose is to push all those reading to 1) read his manuscript, AKA “doublespeak nonsense” and 2) vote for Hillary, because “votes for Bernie, votes for third parties, and decisions not to vote are as good as votes for Trump”.

    Predergast gradually brings the argument away from Trump’s response to Orlando to what readers should do to defeat Trump. He states that he cannot add anything new to the Orlando discussion, other voices have done better. He goes on to call for gun control reform; extrapolating to progressive change in general, he says Trump will be a huge obstacle for that change. Nearing the post’s end, he talks to the “straight, cis, white, male, millennial support. This group is what could decide Trump’s fate; they are largely unaffected against the hurtful rhetoric Trump has used against females, latinos, etc. As a part of that group, I see his point. We compose a lot of votes in America, and a lot of votes that Trump will target and hope to win. Predergast spurs the millennials, the Bernie supporters, and the cis-white-males to unite in an effort to defeat Trump. As a member of each of those groups, I have to agree. Even if I can’t have Sanders be president, there’s no way I want Mr. Trump.

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