Monday, June 13, 2016

Presidential Nominee Response to Orlando Tragedy

I chose this article, which is about presidential nominees Clinton and Trump's responses to the Orlando terrorism tragedy. The two gave very different responses, which have implications for the upcoming general election.

Mr. Greg Sargent wrote this opinion article about the nominees' comments in the Orlando tragedy, occurring yesterday, claiming 50 lives and injuring 53 as well. Seeing as this shooting is the largest in the nation's past, this article really serves to inform every citizen. How a presidential nominee addresses national events like this is a key indication of their behaviors as president.

Credibility is met throughout this entire article. Sargent backs up his claims and observations with links. It's not too hard to be credible when all the evidence is written online, like on Twitter. Trump and Clinton's stances on terrorism and gun control haven't remained a mystery in past campaigning months either.

Trump ended up using the massacre as evidence for his being right. Trump's discussion of the topic favors him in polls, he states. As such, he mentions the apparent 'congrats' he's received in response to the massacre. His campaign has long had anti-Muslim and exclusionist principles, while also blaming the current president for these attacks. Sargent remarks Trump is "incapable of even contemplating the possibility that a general election audience might take a dimmer view on this sort of response." It's hard to disagree when a presidential nominee uses death and despair for his gain and ego.

The article goes on to explain Clinton's response to the recent disaster. Clinton was sympathetic and sought to give support to those affected, as any respectable American and public official should. With such a contrast to Trump's response, new doubts appear about his adequacy for presidency. Sargent pointed to a poll indicating that Americans "say the next president should take core not to implicate all of Islam". If Mr. Trump doesn't listen up, it may cause him the election he's paraded in for so long.

The author uses simple evidence that really speaks for itself. There's not much to disagree with him about when he mostly points to credible sources and actual quotes. Trump's actions really speak for themselves and his ability to handle the presidential office.

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